A downloadable game

You work on a spaceship that brings goods from across the Galaxy back to earth. At the beginning you wake up from your cryo-sleep and gets you training for working on the ship, while the training happens the pilot, the only other human on board, dies while flying the ship and when he dies his body hits the auto-pilot button. The button gets turned off, the ship isn't on course anymore and gets hit by an asteroid. The asteroid destroys parts of the ship and makes A.V.A.s memory cores useless, without them the auto-pilot can not be turned on again and the ship will crash into earth.

A.V.A is your Astronomical Voyage Assistant. Humans are stupid and she is obviously smarter than you. She is the main computer on the ship and pretty much controls all the processes there, but without the memory cores she is pretty much useless. 

Helena Ross as AVA ♥
Unreal Engine 5, Blender, Substance Designer,  WeLoveIndies,  Epidemic Sounds,  REAPER, Skymap made in SpaceScape, Earth material from @underscore00,
Microscope and fan from Substance 3D Assets


lost control.zip 258 MB

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